3 Quick Tips for Planning Your Trip to Europe: Making the Plan
Planning your trip to Europe can be daunting.
How do you make a plan for your trip to Europe when you want to do it all?
It’s a dilemma.
But I have 3 quick tips that will help you begin to make that plan — to help you create an itinerary.
So let’s get this planning session started!

Less is more
My number one tip for planning your trip to Europe that I tell every single client is please, please, please don’t try to do it all.
You just can’t.
You will come back exhausted and you probably won’t remember everything.
It will be a blur.
So my advice is to make that long list of all you want to see, do and experience.
Then choose your top 3-6 places, sites and experiences.
Now, how far you narrow down that list depends on how long you have in Europe.
Obviously the longer your trip, the more you can do.
However, do keep it realistic so you aren’t running around like a crazy person.
There’s nothing worse than returning from a trip feeling exhausted and not remembering where you went and what you saw.
Believe that you will get back to that country or region so you don’t feel the need to do it all.
The other piece of this tip is deciding what your top places or experiences are.
My advice for this is to think about some absolute musts.
For example, do you fantasize about wandering through the layers of the Louvre taking in all the great works of art?
Or maybe you dream of driving through the hills of Tuscany stopping at hill towns and savoring fabulous wine.
Do you want to have a pint of Guinness and listen to some traditional Irish music in a warm, cozy pub?
There are probably one or 2 items that are truly at the top of your list.
Start here as this will help you compile your list.
And let your interests also dictate what makes the list.
If you are more into art and history then you’ll lean toward those sites and destinations.
If you love the mountains, then you’ll choose those places.
Or perhaps you love food or are really interested in beer or wine.
Those “bucket list” experiences and those interests will guide you in making that initial list and then trimming it down.
This is the first part of planning your trip to Europe.

Make sure your trip flows
You don’t want to be going from point A to point B then back toward point A again.
Be sure to map out your trip so you aren’t wasting time in a car, on a bus or on a train.
You’ll end up spending one of your precious days traveling all day.
This might be okay for some but maybe not so much for others.
It’s a personal preference.
So keep this in mind as you’re planning your trip to Europe.
And think about how you’re going to get from point A to point B.
If you have a car then it’s probably not much of an issue.
However if you are using public transportation, you want to be sure you can get from point A to point B without too much difficulty.
You don’t want to be on 2 trains and 2 busses all day to get there.
At least I don’t think you do.
So you need to meld tip 1 with tip 2.
There may be something on your list that is way out of the way.
It might be that it just won’t work out to get to that destination due to time and geographical constraints.
Be okay with this.
Sometimes that’s just how it goes.

Slow down and make the most of your time
This may be the number 1 tip in my heart when it comes to planning your trip to Europe — for creating your itinerary.
Take your time and truly experience a place.
Slow down and relish in what you are seeing and doing.
Don’t overplan.
Don’t do “one night stands”.
Talk with the locals.
When you are rushing around with that damn checklist in your hand you aren’t really connecting with a destination or its people.
You’re simply scratching the surface.
Slow down.
Dig deeper.
Stay in a city or town for more than one night.
Heck, stay 3 or 4 (or more) and really become familiar with it — connect with it and find out what makes this place tick and what makes it so special.
And plan for the unexpected a bit.
Go with the flow.
If you get an invite from a local or see a sign for something that is not “on the list” and it sounds intriguing, go for it!
Follow your travel intuition (as I call it).
This is when the magic happens.
And these are the memories that will stay with you — for the rest of your life.
But you need to slow down and not have a jam-packed list for these things to happen.

So there you have my 3 quick tips for planning your trip to Europe
This is the part of the whole planning process when we get into the nuts and bolts of making that plan, creating the itinerary.
And this is often when people get overwhelmed.
I get it.
I want to see it all, do it all and experience it all too.
But we simply can’t.
Take these 3 tips and use them.
And you will find that it truly helps you design an itinerary that works best for you and the time you have for your holiday in Europe.
If you’re still struggling, Wander Your Way offers itinerary planning as a service along with travel consultation calls and customized travel planning.
I’m always happy to help you with planning your trip to Europe!

Please note that Wander Your Way is only recommending international travel to those who are vaccinated and feel comfortable doing so. While travel to Europe is getting easier, we are still not out of the woods with COVID.
If you do decide to travel internationally, please do your research or use a travel planning service such as Wander Your Way. Please stay up to date using official sources like the WHO and CDC.
And if you are ready to go soon, please contact Lynne for any assistance you may need.
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These tips are really helpful and informative for those travelers and tourists who want to visit and travel to different places in Europe.
Glad they are helpful!