6 Excellent Tips for Hiking the Stunning Diamond Hill in Ireland
I love Diamond Hill!
The name alone should tell you that it’s special.
But that’s not why I love it.
It has so much to do with where Diamond Hill is that makes it one of my favorite hikes.
So let’s start by placing it on the map.

Where is Diamond Hill?
Diamond Hill is located in Connemara National Park.
And Connemara National Park is in the area known as Connemara which is the western part of County Galway.
The closest town/village is Letterfrack which has a few tourist amenities such as a market, pubs, cafes and accommodation.
But Clifden makes a good base as it has more in the way of amenities.
Why is it a hill and not a mountain?
This is a great question.
Diamond Hill is a hill because it is only 442m/1450ft.
Now some folks classify anything over 1000ft to be a mountain.
However, many geologists, as well as the Oxford English Dictionary, say that a mountain is at least 2000ft/610ft.
Regardless, Diamond Hill proudly wears its “hill” status.

Some other logistics on the hike up Diamond Hill
The Diamond Hill climb is the “red route” on the map you’ll find at the Connemara National Park Visitor Center and the signs on the trails.
It comprises doing the Lower Diamond Hill route — the blue route — and the Upper Diamond Hill route — the red route.
It’s about 4.5miles/7km round trip over mostly rocky and gravel terrain.
The lower trail is more gravel while the upper part is definitely rocky.
Diamond Hill has an elevation gain of roughly 1229ft/375m.
So you are going to get an uphill workout!

Tips for hiking Diamond Hill
We know where Diamond Hill is and why it’s a hill.
So now I want to offer up some tips for hiking this trail.
Because, while it might be a hill, it still should be taken seriously.
Tip #1 Watch the weather
This is Ireland.
And it can rain — a LOT!
Ireland doesn’t get so green because the sun shines all the time.
It if is going to be rainy you do NOT want to make the trek up Diamond Hill.
It will be treacherous and you won’t get views.
And you will NOT enjoy it.
So don’t bother.
The other thing to note is that the weather can change very suddenly.
This means that the weather might be fine when you pull into the parking area and when you first start out, but change as you make your way up the trail.
If it is looking like the weather is going to get bad, then turn around.
I was able to choose a day where the weather looked best on my recent (2024) hike up Diamond Hill.
With the technology in predicting weather these days, please check an app such as Accuweather so you can be as sure as possible to have a decent weather day.
I had so-so weather back in 2018 when I hiked up this hill.
It didn’t rain (from what I can remember), but mostly it was just overcast and cloudy.
I still had views and it was safe to hike.
So when it comes to the weather — don’t wait for it to be perfect but don’t go if it’s raining.

Tip #2 Wear the appropriate clothing
The hike up Diamond Hill is not long but you still need to dress appropriately.
Proper hiking shoes with good traction are important since the trail is rocky.
Wearing comfortable clothing is a must as well.
And having layers for the changeable weather is a good idea.
I ALWAYS have my rain jacket with me when I set off on trail in Ireland or the UK.
It’s a rainy part of the world so even on sunny days, I have my rain gear as you just never know.
Know that at the top of Diamond Hill it will be colder so you may need to put a layer on when you reach the top.
Always be prepared!

Tips #3 Take water and a wee snack
Just like my tips for clothing, you want to be prepared.
Diamond Hill should still be taken seriously, so please at least take water with you.
I think it’s also a good idea to have a small snack of trail mix or an energy bar or a piece of fruit — just in case your energy gets low.
Because it’s a good climb up, you may use up your fuel and need to refuel once at the top.
And staying hydrated is essential to fueling your muscles and your mind.

Tip #4 Take it seriously
I will say this again and again — yes, Diamond Hill is a “hill”.
But it’s also a steep climb toward the top.
It’s quite doable for many folks.
However, Diamond Hill still demands you pay attention, dress appropriately and watch your footing.
This is not a hike to do in flip flops!
At the same time, you don’t need to take a huge backpack full of gear.
There are a couple of spots where you have to get through some steep, rocky sections.
So you need to be sure of yourself and your capabilities.

Tip #5 Take your time
As long as you have decent weather, take your time.
Both on the way up and on the way down.
The views from Diamond Hill are amazing!
You see out to the bay — to the west — which is stunning.
Then you get views down to Kylemore Abbey and its lake.
To the East are the 12 Bens, the mountains of Connemara.
And to the south is the peaty bogland that makes Connemara so special and unique.
Slow down and enjoy it.
On the way up, stop, catch your breath and turn around to drink it all in.
At the top of Diamond Hill, savor your accomplishment and take lots of pics of the 360 views.
On the way down, take your time to see a different part of the landscape — the 12 Bens and the peaty bogland.
As long as your weather is reasonably good, there is no need to rush.

Tip #6 Get an early start
This is especially true if the weather is going to be exceptionally good.
The day I hiked up Diamond Hill in 2024 was looking to be a very nice sunny day.
I was at the parking lot by about 9am.
And I am so glad I started early.
Because as I came down the park was definitely very busy with more folks hiking up the trail to the top of Diamond Hill.
Between May and September, I definitely recommend a start time between 8 and 10am to avoid the crowds.

What I love about Diamond Hill
For me one of my favorite things about Diamond Hill is that it is in Connemara.
I love this very intriguing part of Ireland.
It’s where the mountains meet the sea and where there is all this peaty bogland.
I also love that Diamond Hill has gorgeous views.
Thanks to the location!!
And lastly, I love that it is very doable for so many people.
This does mean that it gets busy.
So do take into account tip #6 above.
But I love that it’s doable yet poses a few minor challenges to get up it.
It makes it accessible for many but also keeps it from being too easy and too accessible — if this makes sense.
I feel like you still have a sense of accomplishment when you reach the top.
I certainly felt that way both times I climbed up Diamond Hill.
And I look forward to hiking up it again!
Have you hiked up Diamond Hill?
Let me know in the comments below.
Or email me at Lynne@WanderYourWay.com

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