Val d'Orcia

Italy’s UNESCO Sites

Italy has 51 UNESCO World Heritage sites. This is more than other country. What is UNESCO? The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization decides what sites are put onto this list. Countries submit. The organization researches. Then a decision is made. These sites can be cultural or natural. It’s a big deal to be…


Pint-sized Slovenia

Slovenia is one of those countries that everyone who has been to, raves about. Where is this country? Well, for those of you who are geographically challenged, pull up a map of Europe and take a look. It’s really at the crossroads of western and central Europe. Bordered by Italy to the West, Austria to…


Why You Need to Visit Malta

Today we’re going to Malta. “Where?” you ask. “Malta.” Yup, time for a geography lesson. You know what? I didn’t know a hell of a lot about Malta either. I mean, I had a rough idea of where it’s located, but that was about it. Thankfully, I have a friend who I was able to turn to for some…