Culzean Castle • Scotland
Culzean Castle is an amazing destination along the west coast of Scotland.
It’s one of those WOW sites that is on many travelers’ lists.
This castle dates back to the late 18th century and has a stunning location along the sea.
But it’s more than the castle as there is a lot of land to explore here as well.
So tune into this episode to find out about the spectacular Culzean Castle.
And to get some tips on visiting this special site in Scotland.
Want to chat about this destination more?
Then send me an email at
In this episode:
0:04: Life Update
5:07: Placing Culzean Castle on the map
7:42: History of the Castle
10:41: Rooms you can view
14:40: Surrounding buildings and land
18:08: Giving yourself time
18:53: Logistics
23:02: Staying at the Castle
25:45: Wrapping it up

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