Wander Your Way has been nominated for the Liebster Award!!
The Liebster Award 2016 is an award that exists only on the internet, and is given to bloggers by other bloggers. The earliest case of the award goes as far back as 2011. Liebster in German means sweetest, kindest, nicest, dearest, beloved, lovely, kind, pleasant, valued, cute, endearing, and welcome.
What is your blog about?
Why did you start a blog?
I started a blog to share my stories and photos. But I realized that I wanted to share all this because I wanted to inspire folks to travel. Here in the US we simply don’t travel enough internationally. And, I believe, it makes us egocentric, or maybe ethnocentric is the better word. We forget about the humanness of travel. We forget that there are other ways of life that are no better or worse than our own. We forget to push our boundaries and our comfort zone. We forget to be curious. We forget that many of our ancestors were explorers. When did we lose this? So, I think that while I want my blog to be informative, I mostly want it to inspire people. I want people to WANT to get on a plane and go to Italy or Slovenia or Scotland or Romania or Portugal. I want them to be inspired to see the symmetry of a vineyard in Tuscany. I want them to be inspired to feel the mist of Ireland on their face. I want folks to be inspired to smell the lavender fields of Provence. I want them to be inspired to taste creamy Belgian chocolate. I want them to be inspired to hear the sounds of the call to prayer in Turkey.
What is the best memory of your travel experience?
This is a tough one! Wow! I have so many. One is seeing the Mediterranean for the first time as I flew into Malaga, Spain. I cried. Running though the streets of Venice early in the morning before the tourist crowds had come is another. I think connecting with people has been my favorite though. I remember being in southern Turkey in July. It was hot. And I was at a bus station waiting to catch my next bus. A kindly man, I think of him as a big teddy bear as he was burly but had that round, kind face with a sparkle in his eyes, struck up a conversation with me. We kind of bantered back and forth. I never got his name, but it’s a moment in time that I always remember. There are so many more that I have written about on my blog!
What is your favorite destination?
I’ve loved everywhere I’ve been so far. Italy is fabulous – and surprisingly diverse. Ireland has gorgeous scenery and the nicest people on the planet. And Turkey – well Turkey simply surprised me because I don’t think I had any expectations. It’s beautiful, intriguing, filled with kind-hearted people and the food is fabulous! The Swiss Alps; Paris; Andalusia, Spain; Santorini, Greece – loved every place I’ve been!!
Do you prefer taking a suitcase or a backpack?
I actually like my hybrid suitcase/backpack. Because I am a professional photographer, my tech pack (as I call it) is my backpack with my camera gear and laptop. It makes carrying a backpack for my clothing kind of tough. So I have a backpack with wheels that has served me well!
What do you miss the most when you’re abroad?
To be honest, not much. I love traveling and am happy wherever I am. As much as I love my family, I can’t say I miss them that much while I’m gone! But they completely understand this. At least I think they do…
Which place would you stay forever?
Another difficult question. I could probably stay in Castelrotto (Kastelruth in German), Italy for a long time. This is a town in northern Italy in one of the Dolomite areas. It’s gorgeous. But, I’d probably only want to stay for a bit of winter then migrate somewhere warmer for a while!

Sciliar/Schlern and the town of Castlerotto/Kastelruth in the Alpe di Siusi region of the Dolomites, Italy
If you could only carry a small hand-bag to spend a year abroad, what would you put inside?
Can I put the extendable charm on this like Hermione did in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows? Damn! Well, I guess I’d have to forgo my big ass camera and laptop. So, I suppose I’d have a small point and shoot camera and small tablet (with some good books and appropriate guidebooks) and my phone (and chargers). A couple of undergarments. A toothbrush and toothpaste. My reading glasses – can’t see shit without them (that’s what happens when you’re 50). Lip balm. Wallet. Passport. Extra shirt. I’ll buy the rest when I get there!
Better solo or group traveling ?
No doubt about it…solo!
What’s the best travel tips you can share?
Be yourself when you travel – your true self. Be curious. Be open-minded. Be safe and cautious, but not overly so. Trust your gut, your intuition. Explore. Say “yes” to travel moments. Most of all – have fun!
Which destinations are on your bucket list for 2016?
Well, I don’t think I’ll be going anywhere this year (outside of Colorado, my former home). But, 2017 is a different story. Back to Ireland (visit my friend in Dublin) for the 5th visit, but hoping to get up to County Donegal and Northern Ireland this go around. Scotland (very high on my list), Italy (back to the Dolomites of Castelrotto and San Vigilio di Marebbe and maybe hit the Piedmont region or the Friuli Venezia Giulia region), Slovenia (fingers crossed) and Switzerland (see another friend and spend more time in the Swiss Alps). I’d also love to cross over from Geneva into France to see some of the French Alps and the towns there.
How do you picture yourself in 10 years?
Living a more location independent lifestyle with my travel planning business and photography earning me enough to be abroad most of the year with some time back in the States to be with my family and friends.
Congratulations to the following nominees:
Here are my questions for the nominees:
- What is it about travel that lights you up?
- Beach, mountains, desert, or forest? And why?
- Where is the one place you absolutely want to visit (that you haven’t yet)? And why this place?
- What is the nicest thing someone has done for you while traveling?
- What is one thing you can’t leave home without, but is kind of impractical?
- What is your most embarrassing travel moment?
- What songs are on your iPod that you love to listen to as you travel?
- What is your favorite blog post you’ve written – the one you are extremely proud of?
- Any travel rituals for when you arrive to a new place?
- Is there any one place you visited that you said, “Wow! This just feels like home” ?
Can’t wait to read your answers!!