I know we aren’t traveling to Europe yet.
But I’m hopeful that next year we will be.
And as you look ahead, why not think about a European nature adventure?
I know, I know.
You think about grand cities and historical sites in Europe.
But I have made the case — on more than one occasion here on this blog — that Europe is an amazing destination for getting into nature.
And now, more than ever, I believe you need to think seriously about making that European adventure one that revolves more around nature than cities.
Here are some reasons why a European nature adventure is a great idea.
You can avoid the germ-filled cities
I know it may be difficult to go to France and not visit Paris or to England and not see London, but hear me out on this.
First of all, I’m not saying you should avoid the cities completely, although this is certainly a good option.
However, I would recommend limiting your time in the cities.
There are more people in cities so there are more germs — COVID-19 or any other virus or icky germ you don’t want to catch.
By spending time in nature, you are less likely to pick up some unwanted illness — especially the coronavirus.
A nature-focused trip to Europe means the great outdoors, lots of fresh air and wide open spaces so less contact with germs.
While museums and historical sites are fabulous to visit in Europe, there are simply more ways at these sites to come into contact with people and surfaces that may make you sick.
So while the world is getting a handle on what this virus is all about, I think avoiding germy places is a wise decision.

Paris is a worthwhile city for sure. But it can be very crowded. So why not forgo this….

for something like this! This is the Alpe di Siusi in Northern Italy. Here you can be in a high alpine meadow surrounded by the Dolomite peaks.
You’ll see Europe from a different perspective
I think this is one of my favorite reasons for planning a European nature adventure.
And this reason holds up in non-pandemic times too.
Because we so often think of marveling at the Colosseum in Rome or walking along canal-lined streets in Amsterdam we neglect seeing the Europe that consists of walking along an unspoiled beach on the Scottish Isle of Lewis and Harris or hiking along a trail in the Fanes-Sennes-Braies Dolomite Nature Park in northern Italy.
We don’t think about kayaking on Glengarriff Bay in County Cork, Ireland or cycling through the vineyards of La Rioja in Spain.
Seeing Europe on foot or bicycle or from a kayak or canoe and really being immersed in nature is so different from being in the buzzing energy of a city.
You see another side of Europe.
And you see another side of Europeans.
The awesome part of this is that you can still indulge in a good meal with some good wine — or whiskey or beer — after your time in nature.

Kayaking Glengarriff Bay in County Cork, Ireland is a wonderful way to get a new perspective on a destination.

Spending time walking, biking or even running through the vineyards of Europe is a wonderful way to see these destinations…and spend a bit more time in nature. Oh, and drink wine….

Getting out in the forests of Europe gives you a completely different perspective. And there are some gorgeous forests in Europe like this one in the Soca River Valley of Slovenia.

Silver Strand is a gorgeous beach in County Mayo, Ireland. I was there in May and it was not busy at all. It’s kind of out of the way. So it’s wonderful spot to see Ireland in a different light.

Hiking in Fanes-Sennes-Braies Dolomite Nature Park in Northern Italy is a fabulous way to see a destination a little deeper. Gorgeous, right?!
A European nature adventure makes it easier to keep social distance
Something tells me we will be trying to keep some of that social distance etiquette going for some time to come.
Cities are hard places to keep your distance, though not impossible.
Forests, mountains, valleys, lakes and bays make it a bit easier to stay apart.
Beaches are a mixed bag as it will depend on the beach.
But there are quiet, more isolated and larger stretches of sand where it is possible to maintain social distance.
I think you get what I’m saying though.
There is just typically more space in nature to stay the heck away from other humans that you don’t know.

Exploring The Burren in County Clare, Ireland is a wonderful spot to really see Ireland while staying far enough away from others.

Walking through a field near Castelrotto, Italy is a good place to experience this part of Italy while keeping your distance from others. And how beautiful is this?!

Lake Bohinj in Slovenia is a great place to travel to for a true natural experience where you can still find places to yourself.

Tramore Beach in County Donegal, Ireland is about 3km/2mi long. And it’s a beach you have to walk about 20 minutes to get to. So this is the perfect beach for maintaining social distance.
You’ll have a more active trip
Another excellent reason for a European nature adventure is that you will most likely be a bit more active.
I’m a fan of active trips.
And while I’ve certainly been to cities where I have walked — a lot — I definitely feel like I am more active and end up in fabulous shape when I’ve spent time in more outdoorsy destinations.
In fact, I often actually lose a bit of weight and gain some stamina and a wee bit of muscle.
Yay me!
So while I agree that your trip can be active in a city, you will have a far more physical trip if you are in a nature destination.
Staying away from germs plus being active equals a healthy trip and a healthy you.
Well, as long as you don’t eat huge quantities of bread and drink bottle upon bottle of wine!

Getting out onto a trail to walk or do a longer hike (if you’re up for it) is a wonderful way to be active on your trip — and see some amazing scenery!

By getting into nature you can have a more active trip. So how about biking around the Dolomites of Italy?
There’s more of a chance to slow down — which is what the COVID-19 quarantine has taught us
I think the pandemic has brought us back to our roots.
It has made us realize what matters most in life.
So many of us have slowed down — gotten off the hamster wheel and the perpetual treadmill that was our life pre-coronavirus.
I hope that many of us carry this slowing down and savoring of life into our futures.
And I believe a European nature adventure is a better way to enjoy some slow travel.
Cities are busy and bustling by nature.
Nature is, well, slow and thoughtful.
If you’ve been reading this blog, you know that I’m a fan of slow travel.
To me, a trip to Europe that involves time in nature will slow down your travels.
It takes a bit more time to get into the mountains or out into the hills or to a lake or even to a quiet beach.
This naturally slows down your trip and your time.

I think getting into nature really helps you to slow down on your travels. As I walked along the West Highland Way in Scotland I stopped to chat with this very nice Scotsman. I love the Scottish accent — when I can understand it!

On my hikes in Alpe di Siusi, Italy, I often stopped and took in a view. I loved slowing down and savoring every moment and the beauty around me!

Spending time walking the trails in Connemara National Park, Ireland was such a joy for me. I ended up meeting an Irish hiking group and having a cup of tea with them after. See what happens when you spend time in nature in Europe…and slow down!
Final thoughts on a European nature adventure
I get that not everyone is a fan of being in the great outdoors.
There are those people who love the buzz of cities — museums, restaurants, theaters, nightclubs, shops.
I get it as I do like some museum time and I love historical sites.
I’m a huge fan of a good restaurant or cafe.
But try a nature trip to Europe.
This doesn’t mean camping and being cut off from civilization.
It means just spending time immersed in the natural world versus the man-made world.
And it will truly give you a different perspective on whatever European destination you are in while keeping you a wee bit safer and healthier.
So where will go on your European nature adventure?
Please note that Wander Your Way does not recommend travel at this time due to the current global health situation with the COVID-19 pandemic. Furthermore, many destinations and attractions found on this website will not be operating although some places are slowly opening up. Please stay up to date using official sources like the WHO and CDC. I do plan to continue to write about incredible destinations and to offer tips on travel to Europe, so that you will find some solace in these posts — so you dream about travel and learn about travel. This way when we can all travel again, you’ll be ready to go! For now, stay home and stay safe!
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These photos are so beautiful!!!
Awww…thanks, Kim!
Europe has so much to offer with outdoor adventures! Great post!
Thanks, Melissa. I agree that Europe has so much outdoor adventure and lots of places to spend time in nature.
I would love to go biking through the vineyards of La Rioja in Spain. You had me sold! A great post with a some many tips to explore nature. Definitely pinning so I have this guide when able to return to Europe. I will start with the vineyard first!
Vineyards are a great place to start!!
Avoiding germ-filled cities seems like enough of a reason to me! I live in Europe and I can say there are plenty of them (just because many of the cities are so old). Such great ideas for exploring nature.
Thanks. Alexandra. And yes, the cities are gorgeous but so are the natural destinations in Europe.
Very well-timed post with some great points! You definitely have me convinced!
Thanks, Elena!