Why You Need To Visit the Beautiful Churches on Your Travels to Europe
I always visit the beautiful churches on my travels to Europe.
If I see a church, I try to get inside of it.
And I’m extremely disappointed when I find the doors are locked.
I’m not a religious person.
However there is something about a church that says something about a place, its people, the history, the culture, the beliefs…
Well, you get the picture.
And while I use the term “church”, I truly mean any religious building — a synagogue or mosque or temple.
I’m just using the term church here since Europe tends to be predominantly Christian and has a history tied to Christianity.
So why do I think you need to visit the beautiful churches on your travels to Europe?
Let’s dive into the specific reasons.
#1 The buildings are often works of art
One reason why you visit the beautiful churches on your travels to Europe is that the buildings themselves are works of art.
Often you’ll find that even before you enter a church you’ll see carvings and statues on the exterior façade.
Gargoyles loom over you.
Saints and important people of the area are nestled into little coves above the entryway.
Inside you’ll find beautiful archways and ceilings.
These churches aren’t simply buildings.
These churches are art.

#2 The structures are often feats of engineering
One of my favorite reasons you need to visit the beautiful churches on your travels to Europe is to marvel at the feats of engineering.
Many of these religious buildings date back to the 1400s, 1500s, 1600s or even earlier.
Notre Dame in Paris was started in 1163 and opened in 1345.
I hope it reopens soon.
It’s a stunner!
Think about how these buildings were designed and built without all the modern day equipment and technology of today.
Mind boggling, isn’t it?!
Incredible feats of engineering and construction!

#3 There is often art inside the church
Number 3 might seem like it’s the same as number 1.
But it is a bit different.
In the first reason to visit the beautiful churches on your travels to Europe I talk about how the building itself is a work of art.
For reason number 3 I’m talking about how there are often works of art within the church — think paintings and sculptures and even frescoes (paintings directly onto a wall or ceiling).
One example is a Caravaggio painting (he’s a pretty famous Italian painter) in the Church of San Luigi dei Francesi in Rome.
Michelangelo’s paintings (frescoes actually) on the ceiling the Sistine Chapel would be another example.
So you can find actual works of art inside the churches.

#4The history is intriguing
There is no doubt that each church in Europe has some interesting history attached to it.
Depending on how old the church is, you’ll find all kinds of stories about wars, conflicts, families, marriages, politics, famous people and just the everyday person who came inside to worship.
Loads of history!

#5 How it looks says something about the culture
One of the best reasons, in my opinion, to visit the beautiful churches on your travels to Europe is to learn more about the culture.
I really believe that how people worshiped in the past — and the buildings they created to do so — truly speaks to the culture and history.
I’ve been in some very simple churches in Europe.
Some small and some large but with very little ornamentation.
And then I’ve been in some churches — large and small — that are so ornate and over the top.
I’m always intrigued by the why.
Why did these people back in 1500 decide they wanted a super frilly church with so much to it while these folks wanted something really simple?
Was it money?
Did one group have a slightly different set of values when it came to their house of worship?
It’s an anthropological conundrum for sure.
But I find it fascinating.
And that leads me to the final reason…

#6 You learn about the people
So I guess number 6 is probably really a part of number 5.
But I do think when you visit the beautiful churches on your travels to Europe it will help you understand the people.
Both the people of the past and the current residents.
The past is kind of talked about in reason number 5.
You simply get a sense of what the people of the past valued when it came to their houses of worship.
I also believe that seeing who enters this church to pray now says something about the people.
Do you see older people?
The churches were often the center of a community in centuries past.
What about now?

So there are my 6 reasons why you need to visit the beautiful churches on your trip to Europe.
My question to you is: Do you visit churches (or mosques or synagogues) when you travel to Europe?
If so, why?
And if not, then why not?
I personally think it’s a must for your time wherever you are in Europe.
Yes, you can suffer from “church overload”.
But I think it’s a great idea to visit at least one in each city and town.

Below are a list of some of my favorite churches in Europe
And I’ve included a few tips for visiting the religious buildings in Europe.
Salisbury Cathedral (Salisbury, England)
York Minster (York, England)
Notre Dame — Paris, France (currently still closed)
Orvieto Cathedral (Orvieto, Umbria region, Italy)
Strasbourg Cathedral (Strasbourg, France)
Sant’Antimo Abbey (Tuscany region Italy near Montalcino)
Parish Church Maria Alm (Maria Alm, Austria)
Sant’Anastasia (Verona, Italy)
Santa Maria in Organo (Verona, Italy)
St Giles Cathedral Edinburgh (Edinburgh, Scotland)
Tips for your visit:
Always be respectful.
Keep your voice down.
Dress appropriately.
If you are not allowed to take photos inside, please adhere to this rule.
No food or drink are allowed in the churches so please respect this.

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